Searching for the Miraculous

Elly Molina
3 min readJul 20, 2018


If you’ve experienced business slowing down, delays in plans, encountered obstacles in your path this week, you haven’t been alone. A number of people experienced halting planetary energies, while others have gone on this week to achieve miracles. It always amazes me. Perhaps we can link it to our personal transiting astrological charts, perhaps we can say it’s our karma, or kismet. And while we attribute some of these experiences to the heavens, we’re also reminded of synchronicities and signs unique to our own personal journey. Perhaps you missed that meeting because you weren’t meant to be there. Perhaps your business is slow because you need to rest and refocus. Perhaps your business is booming because you’ve had a change in attitude and all the pieces of months of hard work have come together.

We humans need reasons. We like to know why and we ascribe meaning to everything. We’ve been called meaning making machines for a reason. Spiritual teacher, mystic, and philosopher, Gurdjieff taught in his “work” known as “The Fourth Way” that humans live in a state of hypnotic, waking sleep, like machines. He compared the unconscious, spiritually unawakened person to an automated being, dedicated to his/her habits and never aware or cognizant of self talk or what it means to be fully present. Only when we are awakened, when we realize there is more to life than our habitual ways of being, thinking and doing, can we become awakened to higher states of consciousness. Here, in the higher states, is where Human Potential can be actualized. Here is where we can easily manifest, create, see synchronicities, be in flow with the pulse of the Universe without stress and malaise.

Living a conscious, awakened life takes work, hence Gurdjieff called The Fourth Way, “the work”, a term often used by other spiritual teachers who came many years after his death. What does it look like to live a consciously awakened life as opposed to living in the state of waking sleep?

For one, it’s the realization that when we understand what it means to be fully present, to physically and mentally, consciously be in the here and now, in the observer state of our reality, we can immediately affect our personal realities. We can create an instant manifestation. Secondly, it’s recognizing that our interpretation of situations, conversations, occurrences, is solely unique to us and our own personal spin on the the event. We give the circumstance, the conversation, the event meaning. It’s understanding the term “It is what it is” and nothing more.

This weekend, what if you practiced remembering your Self. What that means is that you become the observer of your own life. You see your Self from a higher perspective. You view your behaviors, your thoughts from a conscious, aware State, and remove your Self from habitual, mindless behavior. If you can do this for a few minutes, you’ll have succeeded! Maintaining and living from a fully awakened state takes years of practice. We get glimpses of being in that State ever so often. Living in and from this State is Miraculous.

An excellent place to begin is with being conscious of your Self talk and practicing controlling your self talk, catching phrases of negativity, doubt, despair, and turning them into opportunities for gratitude and beauty. Then, practice seeing your Self as the observer in a room, in a situation, in a conversation. Practice responsibility for your conversations with others, understanding that the response you receive is a direct result of the communication you intended. For many of us, being and living from this place is difficult and often times we don’t and can’t see the benefit of it. For those of us who have been here and reside in this State for longer periods we recognize the magic, miracles and beauty and seek to maintain this way of being more and more.

I’d love to hear your experiences.



Elly Molina
Elly Molina

Written by Elly Molina

NY based international intuitive advisor, author & founder of the PsikidsAcademy, a magical place that teaches human potential.

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